Remember that summer night, you stole my journal, you had read it! and then, audacious! made me sit there while you read out parts of it to me--you horrible boy, torturer. Because all that time, i was writing secret sexy things about you...and trying to b your friend while I couldn't take my eyes off u, ur shadows, that edge to your hand, the way your shoulders were wide and your waist so slim and brown like three cream coffee. You can't expect to walk around with your tshirt gone, your pants falling off you, the divot of your hipbones perfect tracks for my tongue and expect me not to lust after the friend that i loved. Lala. you know it, u are my best.
Then u knew that I would take it all, every twist and tickle and thrust and torturrrre. Every thing u gave me i took. what a good little bitch Well here they are again, my friend: a dirty secret a dirty wish a dirty girl scratching letters 'gainst a dirty itch.
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